Category: Articles

Canton’s own Civil War heroes

By Dave Curtis The large Canton family of Erastus and Calista Truesdell was a very close knit family. The Truesdells were a notable and well respected Canton family with some descendants currently belonging to the Canton Historical Society. Three of the Truesdell sons fought for the north in the Civil War. Ephraim Truesdell was born […]

Canton Township’s Kinyon Cemetery

By David Curtis Take a ride back in time by taking a leisurely drive down North Ridge Road between Gyde and Joy Roads. Then take a ride down Gyde Road east of North Ridge Road. Parts of these two roads are known as Natural Beauty Roads. This is what Canton looked like years ago with […]

Obtaining Lumber in 1945

By David Curtis In 1945 there was no Home Depot to go to and buy lumber. When a Canton farmer needed lumber, what was his option? This is the memories of 13-year-old Raymond Schultz going with his father Elmer Schultz to the saw mill. This Schultz family lived on Proctor Road when it was east […]